• It’s about finding the inner fuel when you thought the tank was empty
• It’s your positive attitude in a world full of negativity
• Being excited without fear of embarrassment
• It’s doing the unexpected
• It’s the unwillingness to accept second best or “good enough”
• It’s always enthusiastic
• It lets you execute when you’re exhausted
One day you will die. Knowing this, how will you best live your life?
I think a life full of passion, blood and enthusiasm is the only noble way to live.
And why?
It is impossible to fake passion in life. You cannot fake enthusiasm.
If you follow your passion in life, you will never run out of motivation or inspiration. And why? You will be driven by that inner fire, you will not need others to spur you on to do anything. You will do all your activities out of “autotelic” motivation (you do it for the sake of It).
You will no longer care so much about the recognition of others because you are doing it for yourself.
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